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Welcome to Old Hatfield


We would like to include the whole welcome guide but will need permission of the OHRA

On behalf of Old Hatfield Residents Association welcome to Old Hatfield. We are a small community peppered with old pubs and echoes of former times. And next to a mainline station.

All residents of Old Hatfield are welcome to join Old Hatfield Residents Association (OHRA). The OHRA Committee works to help the community and improve the area. We do all sorts of stuff including advising on planning and regeneration of the area, flower planting, litter clean ups, and organising community events. We have provided gritting bins throughout Old Hatfield which residents can use in times of snow and ice to keep the paths clear and safe.

We hope you enjoy living here as much as we do.

Old Hatfield Residents Association committee

If you would like to join us and receive our updates or have other queries , please contact us via Find us on Facebook at


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